Aside from protein shakes and supplements, here's what you should eat before exercise to improve your performance and increase energy in your body
Have you ever wondered what you should eat before a workout to get it best done?
In fact, pre-workout nutrition has a direct effect on your metabolism and energy levels. Ultimately, there's a reason fitness models and top athletes use protein shakes, caffeine, and other sports supplements before they hit the gym.
But you can replace these shakes by eating a balanced meal before exercise to increase your performance during training and speed up recovery afterward. The food you eat before exercise helps replenish glycogen stores, which is glucose that acts as an energy store in your body, according to the National Academy of Sports Medicine.
The best pre-workout foods
While muscle glycogen stores remain fairly stable throughout the night, the glycogen content in the liver rapidly decreases during sleep. This is partly due to stopping food and drink during sleep and the brain’s need for energy. For this reason, it is important to eat healthy carbohydrates after waking up, especially if you exercise in the morning. You also need to make sure you are getting enough protein, as it plays a major role in muscle growth and repair.
The best foods to improve your performance during a workout
The best pre-workout foods
What you eat is just as important as when you eat. Your body has different nutritional requirements at different times of the day. For best results, plan your meals according to your workout times.For athletes who train in the gym, they should choose a high-carb or moderate-protein snack before training. Ideally, try to get around 1 gram of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight one hour before you go to the gym.
However, these guidelines may differ from person to person, depending on fitness goals, duration of exercise, training intensity, and other factors. Runners, for example, have higher energy requirements than strong athletes; So they need more carbohydrates on a daily basis.
The best pre-workout foods
A balanced pre-workout meal should provide moderate amounts of lean protein. Because fiber and fats can cause digestive discomfort during training, so it is best to eat them later in the day.
If you exercise in the evening, eat fruits, vegetables and other high-fiber foods at least three to four hours before exercising. Depending on your schedule, you can also eat a snack about an hour to four hours before training.
The best foods to boost your energy
In general, there are no set rules about what you should eat before a workout. It all comes down to your fitness goals and the sport you play. Your general diet is also important. For example, if you are on a ketogenic diet, you may not be able to consume carbs before exercise. In this case, it makes sense to increase your protein or fat intake to obtain the energy needed for a challenging workout. Both protein and dietary fats can serve as a source of fuel and energy before a workout.
There are so many healthy foods you can enjoy before a workout. For example, eat Greek yogurt with berries, oatmeal with fruit, or apples with peanut butter or almonds. Since nut butter is high in fat, try to keep your portions small.
Also consider these options: chicken or turkey b
reast, white rice, greens, oatmeal with almond milk, banana slices, cheese, berries, tuna, whole-wheat pasta, chicken and potatoes.
other options
Try different foods to see how your body reacts to them and if you have a short time before a workout or aren't feeling hungry, be sure to have a protein shake or juice.
And remember, another option is to drink a cup of coffee before a workout to increase the caffeine in the body. In this case, try to eat as soon as you finish exercising to replenish your glycogen stores and recover faster from training.
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